Employee Spotlight


Hi, my name is Lisa. This is how you sign my name. I'm an interpreter for ZP.

You’ve not seen me before? Well, you must obviously be asleep during the overnight hours. That makes perfect sense. While you're sleeping, I'm actually working but I’m available if you happen to have a craving for pizza really late at night. Or you’re up late watching a movie and wondering to yourself, if I called now, would there be an interpreter there? No matter what time it is, you will find an interpreter working and that could be me. It's nice to meet you.

I've been interpreting now for 19 years. It's hard to believe though. 19 years. How time has flown. I really enjoy working for ZP because ZP’s company philosophy truly puts Deaf people first. From the CEO down, I’ve noticed our Deaf customers come first. ZP is open to feedback from our Deaf consumers. They hear their opinions, their likes, their dislikes, their complaints, their commendations, and they want that feedback, all of it. ZP seeks it out. If you see something that you don't like, say something. ZP wants to know that, improve upon our services and technology, and I really respect that. It’s the same for interpreters too that work here.

If we have opinions, needs, critiques, or ideas, the company wants to hear from us. If something happens at night, I can share my feedback and the company respects my ideas and listens to them and we truly have a dialogue. Now, naturally, does the company run with all my ideas? No, but at least I have a voice and I am listened to. I am respected. That’s important to me.

Someone asked me what I do in my free time. Well honestly, I don't have a whole lot of free time. I really love to work. I am trying to get better at getting out and enjoying outdoor activities. I purchased a fat tire bike. I’m no pro though; I'm still learning but I do enjoy it… trying to get up those mountains. The bike has 4-inch-thick tires. This makes it so you can ride in the snow, wet conditions, mud , etc. I’m enjoying that.

I was also asked who’s my hero. That’s an interesting question. I've not thought much about that and if I think about the term “hero” what does that mean to me. For me it is a person whose behavior, character, and who they are, I aspire to. I want totake on those qualities. For me, I don’t think there is just one person who embodies all of that for me but there are many that, yes, makes me think that I like some of their qualities. I think that for each person I've met over the years, it doesn't matter where,

there are some positive qualities that I would like to emulate and incorporate into who I am. Or at least try to. I always want to improve upon myself as a human being and everyone has a little bit of a hero in them that makes them think maybe I can take things on and become a better person. I know that's not really a fancy answer but it's the truth and it is something that's important to me: to learn from someone, to see something special in someone, to want to aspire to emulate that part of their character, and then to try to take that on.

I hope to see you soon so that you can share with me that positive attribute that I can integrate into my being. I hope I meet you soon- someday. Take care. Bye bye.